Titles released by MetalGate Records
Please note that our e-shop currently covers only Czech Republic and Slovakia. However, if you are interested in anything that we released and/or published, drop us a line.
Towards the Great White Nothing
Total time: 30:02 * Style: black-doom metal * MetalGate 2020
Tracklist Crystalline Key / Thargelia / Of Gnosis and Agony / Between Terror and Erebus / Desert Twilight
"With “Towards the Great White Nothing” MetalGate and Voluptas have delivered a fantastic piece of sinister and fascinating music, perfect as the soundtrack for the upcoming dark and cold days of winter, which might be especially grim in 2020/2021 due to the shitty situation we are in right now all over the world."
Václav Votruba
Dělníci kovu I: Necrocock
No. of pages: 168 * paperback * MetalGate 2020
Contents Prolog / I - Metalové námluvy / II - Master's Hammer / III - Praktiky pohřebních ústavů / IV - Jilemnický okultista / V - Kaviar Kavalier / VI - +Klinik+ / VII - Studio Y / VIII - Konvalium / IX - Expedice do pohřebních ústavů / X - Hudba pro letadla a spící autobusy / XI - Bukkake, Asiatky a sexturismus... / XII - Žhavý neklid... Master's Hammer se vrací / XIII - Úprk do klidných lesů / XIV - Klid před bouří / XV. - Konve / XVI - Sexuálně-klinicko-cestovatelský konvolut / XVII - Návrat k mládí... do psychiatrických pavilonů / XVIII - Do lesa... na houby! / XIX - Master's Hammer na turné. Bez Necrococka / XX. - Necrocock detektivem / XXI - Jan Žižka z Trocnova / XXII - Konečně novinka od Kaviar Kavalier / XXIII - Necrocock nekončí / Necrocock pod palbou! / Necrografie / Epilog "And how to view the book as a whole? Spiteful seekers of mistakes and of what should have been done differently will surely find their own. For me as a fan however, it has an incredible value and I would not change a thing."
Drom & Tengri
Total time: 34:35 * Style: post-metal/shoegaze & atmospheric alternative post-rock * MetalGate 2020
Tracklist Jsi světlo, tak neboj (Drom) / - (Drom) / Potomci vědění (Drom) / Buďme jako voda, která všechno očistí (Tengri) / Buďme jako země, která všechno vydrží (Tengri)
"[Both sides of the vinyl] make a solid whole, through which winds a dark, desperate even, line. It is not hopelessness though. Give up, let the world drown in what is bad in people? Never. From despair, anger may arise."
Heavy Music Artwork
Masterpieces 2018 (Czech translation)
No. of pages: 148 * paperback * A4 * fullcolor print on glossy coated paper * MetalGate 2020
Contents I - Dílo roku (Judas Priest) / II - Mistr roku (Gustavo Sazes) / III - Nejvlivnější výtvarník roku (Travis Smith) / IV - Pocta roku (Vincent Fouquet) / V - Objev roku (Vladimir Chebakov) / VI - Boxset roku (The Ocean) / VII - 100 výtvarníků na 100 deskách od 100 kapel / VIII - Navrátilci z Masterpieces 2017 "Besides its primary purpose (of festing ones eyes) this beautiful book serves another pastimes - discovering previously unknown bands. I would lie, if I said that I knew all the band names from the book, not to mention their music; quite the contrary, many of the acts included were a blank slate for me, but thanks to the featured artwork I discovered several interesting outfits."